Sikkim is a world away from where most of us stay so it was wonderful to get a warm welcome when we arrived at Voyage New Orchid hotel. Our Deluxe room was large (about 20ft x 20ft) and had a good-sized bathroom attached. The bed was one of the largest I've seen and there was plenty of place for storage. Our roadside room gave us a lot to look out on but could also be noisy, day and night. Trucks are only allowed on that road at night, so that is when they come with deliveries to the neighbouring buildings. Add to that groups of noisy tourists and processions of singers at 5:00am and you get an idea of what one might face. More important to note is that the hotel is built up a steep slope and it takes 21 steps to get from road level to the Reception. Our room was one floor above that, so we had more climbing. The hotel has no lift. On average, we had to go down and up the stairs four times a day. Good exercise perhaps, but the elderly and infirm should be warned. Meals are provided in the restaurant on the 6th floor of the neighbouring Denzong Shangrila hotel. In fact, the two hotels have a single management and share common staff. We got varied fare for breakfast: fresh fruit, juice, choice of hot and cold cereals and different kinds of breakfast dishes, from idlis and uttapams to puri-bhaji and uppama. There was plenty of choice for dinner too.